

Advocacy services

What is advocacy?

An advocate is a person who supports and helps you to explain and say what you want if you find it difficult to do by yourself.

Advocates can help you:

  • access information and services
  • be involved in decisions about your life
  • explore choices and options
  • defend and promote your rights and responsibilities
  • speak out about issues that matter to you.

Finding an advocate

You can search our community directory for Advocacy services

Choices Advocacy provides independent advocacy for vulnerable adults and children in Hampshire who are not eligible for the commissioned advocacy services. Discuss your referral with a senior member of the team on 023 8078 3715.

Statutory advocacy services

Local authorities and health providers have a duty to provide access to advocacy services under the Care Act (to enable everyone to be involved in the social care process) and under the Mental Capacity Act (to help certain people to make specific decisions) and can refer you to one of these services.

Hampshire County Council:
Find out about advocacy under the Mental Capacity Act.
Find out about advocacy under the Care Act.

Portsmouth City Council:
Find out about advocacy and the Care Act.
Find out about advocacy under the Mental Capacity Act.

Southampton City Council:
Find out about advocacy and the Care Act.
Find out about advocacy under the Mental Capacity Act.