

Information for providers

Updating your information

If you already have a directory listing on Connect to Support Hampshire and wish to update any details, use this online form to let us know what changes you would like.

Adding a new listing

    Listings on Connect to Support Hampshire are free. All providers wishing to be included in our directories on Connect to Support Hampshire must read and agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.

    Please read the information below to ensure that you complete the correct form.


    This directory is for care homes, care providers and paid services that can support people to stay independent and well. Listings are FREE.

    How do I sign up to the Marketplace?

    Please see our Information for Marketplace Providers page for more information and to sign up.

    Community Directory

    If you want to promote your community group, activity or the free or low-cost services you offer that will assist people with care and support needs in Hampshire, you can do this via a Community Directory listing.

    All entry submissions will be reviewed by Hampshire County Council for suitability prior to listing. The two main criteria for inclusion are:

    1. You offer community services, support or activities at low cost or no cost which fit in with one of the directory categories or you provide information about such services. 
    2. You are not part of an umbrella organisation or provider to whom we are already signposting. 

     How do I sign up to the Community Directory?

     To submit your directory entry use our online form.

    Hampshire County Council reserves the right to refuse any listing application, withdraw any offer of listing or delete any listing which it deems to be unsuitable for the Connect to Support Hampshire website.